Posted by : Alsy Taqiya May 27, 2017


Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

1. Cumcumber
Remember fruit is any food with seeds! Cucumber has the highest water content of any solid food at a whopping rate of 96%. You can do something as simple as adding cucumber slices to your drink of water to gain the health benefits of this fruit. Another option is to make chilled cucumber soup, blending cucumber with ice cubes, yoghurt and mint.
2. Tomatoes
Tomatoes have a 95% water content. You can add them to your salad, or again make a soup from them. Don’t forget that you can eat baby tomatoes on their own.
3. Peaches
With an 88% water content, peaches also have a fantastic range of health benefits. They can be used as alternatives to oranges for vitamin C, and contain vitamin A which protects vision and eyesight.
4. Oranges
Oranges can be used in a multitude of ways. They can made into juices or jams, and with a water content of at least 85% they are sure to keep you hydrated. Try a fruit salad or a smoothie!
5. Watermelon
The name gives it away! Consisting of up to 92% water, watermelons are a great source of hydration. A study has actually found that the combination of natural vitamins, minerals, sugars and salts found in watermelons actually make them more effective than water in hydrating us.
Second reminder. Thursday. SOME FRUITS to consider in Ramadan continues.  Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

6. Strawberries
All berries hold a high water content, with strawberries boasting a rate of 92%. You can make a smoothie out of mixed berries, or even just add blackberries, blueberries, or raspberries to your water.
7. Pineapple
Pineapples are fantastic at helping to digest food. With a water content of 85%, a smoothie or fruit salad will help keep you hydrated. They also boost your immune system since they increase your intake of antioxidants.
8. Grapefruit
Being 90% water, grapefruit is brilliant for keeping yourself hydrated when you’re burning energy and sweating a lot. It is also considered to help with losing weight and treating common illness like the cold.
9. Green Peppers
Green peppers have extra benefits such as reducing the risk of age-related eye disorders, and with a water content of 94%, they are definitely worth incorporating into your food and salad.
10. Apples
Another great option to use when making a smoothie or fresh juice, apples are 84% water. You might even want to add apple slices to your salad – you’d be surprised how tasty it is!😊.

May Allah forgive our shortcomings and grant us our wish only if that will benefit our faith. Aameen.

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