Archive for 2016

Alhamdulillah~~ I've got a tiny sweetie pie of cat :D :D I named her "Milo Dindin" . just call her "Milo." She is so hyperactive, cute, energic, and clever. :D I got this from my Dad. His friend gave him one of the owner's cats. And I am soo happy... I have a friend at home exactly <3 Iluvyailuvyailuvyaa :* :* My words can't describe more than it should be. ^_^


Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.
"There are 5 things you need to know," he told the pencil, "Before I send you out into the
world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you
can be."
🍃"One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in
Someone's hand."
🍃"Two: You will experience a painful 🌱sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to
become a better pencil."
🍃"Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make."
🍃"Four: The most important part of you will always be what's inside."
🍃"And Five: On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the  condition, you must continue to write."
The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with 🌱purpose in its heart.

Now 🌱replacing the place of the pencil with you. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.
    One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in
Allah's hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you 🌱possess.     Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various
problems in life, but you'll need it to become a stronger person.
    Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.
🌿Four: The most important part of you will always be what's on the inside.
🌿   And Five: On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to do your duty.
Allow this 🌱parable on the pencil to 🌱encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfill the purpose to which you were born to accomplish.
Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is 🌱insignificant and cannot
make a change. :)

- Taken from :


Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

💎Berbahagilah bagi yang Rajin Shalat Dhuha

 🙏Apapun tugas dan pekerjaan kita hari ini, yuk,  mari kita sujudkan kening kita di pagi hari sebelum memulai pekerjaan

✨Beberapa keutamaan sholat dhuha  :          


Orang yang shalat Dhuha akan diampuni dosa-dosanya oleh Allah.“Barangsiapa yang selalu mengerjakan shalat Dhuha niscaya akan diampuni dosa-dosanya walaupun sebanyak buih di lautan.” (HR. Turmudzi)


Barangsiapa yang menunaikan shalat Dhuha ia tergolong sebagai orang yang bertaubat kepada Alah. “Tidaklah seseorang selalu mengerjakan shalat Dhuha kecuali ia telah tergolong sebagai orang yang bertaubat.” (HR. Hakim).


Orang yang menunaikan shalat Dhuha akan dicatat sebagai ahli ibadah dan taat kepada Allah. “Barangsiapa yang shalat Dhuha dua rakaat, maka dia tidak ditulis sebagai orang yang lalai. Barangsiapa yang mengerjakannya sebanyak empat rakaat, maka dia ditulis sebagai orang yang ahli ibadah. Barangsiapa yang mengerjakannya enam rakaat, maka dia diselamatkan di hari itu. Barangsiapa mengerjakannya delapan rakaat, maka Allah tulis dia sebagai orang yang taat. Dan barangsiapa yang mengerjakannya dua belas rakaat, maka Allah akan membangun sebuah rumah di surga untuknya.” (HR. At-Thabrani).


Orang yang istiqamah melaksanakan sholat Dhuha kelak ia akan masuk surga lewat pintu khusus, pintu Dhuha yang disediakan oleh Allah. “Sesungguhnya di dalam surga terdapat sebuah pintu bernama pintu Dhuha. Apabila Kiamat telah tiba maka akan ada suara yang berseru, ‘Di manakah orang-orang yang semasa hidup di dunia selalu mengerjakan shalat Dhuha? Ini adalah pintu buat kalian. Masuklah dengan rahmat Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala.” (HR. At-Thabrani).


Allah menyukupkan rezekinya. “Wahai anak Adam, janganlah engkau merasa lemah dari empat rakaat dalam mengawali harimu, niscaya Aku (Allah) akan menyukupimu di akhir harimu.” (HR. Abu Darda`).


Orang yang mengerjakan shalat Dhuha ia telah mengeluarkan sedekah. “Hendaklah masing-masing kamu bersedekah untuk setiap ruas tulang badanmu pada setiap pagi. Sebab tiap kali bacaan tasbih itu adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil adalah sedekah, setiap takbir adalah sedekah, menyuruh kepada yang ma’ruf adalah sedekah, mencegah yang mungkar adalah sedekah. Dan sebagai ganti dari semua itu, maka cukuplah mengerjakan dua rakaat sholat Dhuha.” (HR Muslim).

Shalat Dhuha, yuk!! ^^

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

Assalamu'alaikum Readers!
Here I am. It has been a long time not to write in a blog. In this good opportunity, I would like to tell you 'bout my new school. I was graduated from SMPN 1 Magetan, and now i'd like to tell you 'bout my school.

People call it 'SMAN 7 Kediri' or used to be called 'SMAPTA. (SMA SAPTA)' Actually this is my second option after SMAN 1 Kediri (Smas't) but unfortunately, I couldn't pass the test. TT')

OKAY! My school is the third favorite senior high school in Kediri. The very first thing I noticed about it, is.... IT IS HUGE! SPACIOUS SCHOOL!!

Wow. Really. I was registered there. Wow wow wow. Hahah XD

That time, on Monday, 18th of July 2016, it was MPLS (Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah), introduction of school. It was last for 3 days (until 20 if i'm not wrong :v) I was walking joyfully through the gate. The first activity is 'Apel acara pembukaan' in the field. There was drizzling so itsy-bitsy. There was a rainbow, colouring the sky. Everyone smiled, wow.. the first day of MPLS was accompanied by the rainbow. . . And then,, there were many sociality (lessons which given to the student by such as company/organization) ... and then.. there was PENSI (Pentas Seni) time. Each class performed great.

Ow yeah! I wanna tell about the 'Kakak-kakak OSIS.' They are so friendly, full of spirit, responsible, and so on.... So it came to my mind to be like them. One day, I was registered myself to participate to be an OSIS stusent. There was test. There were 3 parts of test. The first is esay test. It was about why I chose to be osis, visi and misi, what will I do if i am choosen to be OSIS etc.... I was passed the first test. The second test is an interview with the members of OSIS. The test is divided in 3 classrooms. The first class, i was soo nervous when the OSIS told that i'm wrong to say. Yeah. It's hard to explain. I was choosing a fact sentence about one of the OSIS program. It was about 'developing skill and ability' in Sie 4 if i'm not wrong). The OSIS told me how i explain about that fact of goal, BUT I A LITTLE MISUNDERSTOOD. Because my skill and ability is English, i was telling to them blablablabla that I am be able to speak this language. In fact, English is a 'Sie 10' program. Oh Noo..... the OSIS kept telling me the same that I must answer the Sie 4 section. But that's whf happenned to me. Oh! I felt so much guilty....
NEXT! The second and the third rooms were going alright. I chose 'Sie 1 about religion' in the second room, and 'Sie 10-English' in the third room. Everything's okay i think... i was not misunderstood as much as what I've got.

BUT.... THE NEXT DAYS, i saw the announcement that my name was not typed on the paper. Oh no... i failed in the second test... :( OKAY I AM OKAY!! I really wanna be OSIS but i couldn't.

NEXT!! When MPLS, there were many higher grade students who performed what's their extracurricullar. One of them is PASKIBRA SMAPTA. I was sooo interested by that so i joined the paskibra. But, when it was the time to test, I couldn't pass it. Oh no! So?? What's fit on me?..

When the higher grade students who join choir group came to my class, they asked all the students to sing 'Indonesia Raya' together to get new members. And i was choosen as the member of PADSU SMAPTA (Paduan Suara SMAPTA)/ Choir group, so okay... i am now to it even it's not my option. But i enjoy !


Okay. People have different stories. That's life. Accept it.


Okay, readers. I no longer can continue the story... i will post my other activity in school InshaAllah.

Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

My New School, SMAN 7 Kediri

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

This poem is for all my teachers in my life who taught me school lessons, Qur'an, religious things, moral, a good attitude, and so on. I made this for them. Thanks so much, my teachers. 😊

To My Respected Teacher 

By : Alsy Taqiya Herasafitri (IX-B/02)

‘Teacher,’ a word that takes me back to the start,
The start that being trapped undersea,
Don’t know what’s the world gonna be.
Suddenly, a kind hand comes closer to me,
Helping me to know so tenderly,
Giving me courage intently, 
Smiling friendly,
Giving me clarity,
That shines like a star rainbow,
That will never die till tomorrow.

Oh my teacher, You’re my respectable figure,
Who teach me a lot knowledge for future,
Not only Math, Science, English,
But also ‘Life.’
You plant a seed that will grow,
Into a new potential, fulfil it below.

You change me and the other student’s bad habit,
We’re panicked, when we aren’t on the traffic,
"Ha! Make it dramatic, when we break the rule!”
Then you give us example,
A good attitude that we must handle,
To be humble, not despicable.

What would the world be,
If there was no teacher?
Everything would be mess, depress, with no bless.
With no knowledge, everything would be destroyed,
Inviting the world war with no peace. 

So, please...
Let’s be respectable to our teacher,
Same as to our father and mother,
They aren’t monsters who gives us much order.
They are our most precious treasure.

Dear my teacher,
Your name is my aromatic flower,
That will stay in my heart forever.
Thank you so much for all that you have done.
As my respected teacher,
You’re number one! :)

To My Respected Teacher

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

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