Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
A white ray comes through her window.
Suddenly, tears on her pillow.
Flowing, without knowing,
Exploding, without soaking.

Brooding in the middle of the night,
Looking up with her eyesight,
Staring at the starlight,
Pointing to the moonlight,
Hearing river which flows in delight,
Noticing the sound  bite,
Coming the white knight,
Being her limelight,
Realizing she’s alright,
With her own sight,
With her own right.

With Her Own Right

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
Breathe in
Breathe out
In the humid air
With a light mist
Nice pace...
Oh, twinge in knee!
Mist feels good~
I'm running
In the cool morning
The sun is shining
Birds are chirping
Flowers are blooming
Squirrels are scurrying
Tal tap tap - My steps
13,1 Miles ~
Dug dug dug - Beats fast
Sweet smiles
My sights -
Are on the court
Woah, what amazing shots!
This is such,
Keep my mind off why I am running
I'm not realize how much,
I will end up enjoying running

13,1 Miles

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
When the yellow leaves suddenly fall,
Do you know why they fall?
Do you know why they leave their world?
Do you know their feeling?
Don't you know that Allah notices them?

When the sky goes blur,
Do you know why it blurs?
Do you know why it's not as happy as the blue sky?
Do you know its' feeling?
Don't you know that Allah manages them?

And when my eyes were blurred with tears,
Do you know why it happens?
Do you know every of my silence that describes another pain?
Do you know my feeling?
Verily, Allah will make me happy,

in shaa Allah.. :"))

The Blurring Sky

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

Back with that feel
That it is real,
That i am alone here.
No one walks through my mind.
I feel the emptiness , the darkness blind.
No one talks to me 
That this world seems to be
What a quiet night,
When the wind blows my sight,
That in my vision everything is gone,
With the moonlight's bone.
How i feel so alone
That i am isolated in the middle of crowd
How i feel so down
That i am ...
That i am ...



Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

Ugh... this is the only thing
That always makes me feel everything
But oh, what a but!
Can't forget that, oh lust
Because it's something in my little world
And something too, in my whole world
That always plays on my mind
And riddles my brain... XD

Blah.. T.T

I often *blank* when you draw near by me
Can't say everything, but feels like a bee
Can't stare it, but heart beats too quick
Like a precious moment and a trick

LOL huh (?)
It's kinda funny
That so much words unspoken
It's kinda awkward
That so much silence between us

I'm so scared of looking at you
I'm sorry, I'm not perfect
I might not be the best, but...
there's always a reason, that's you,
And there's always a river, that flows in you...

《The photo is my old drawing , and so is this poem.. this is my very old poem that i wrote this when i was on 8th grade . XD 》

Secret Admirer

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
One Day
Say it someday
That we'll face it another day
And another way

We do the essay
That determine our new moves
Like a wind blows
Roaming, and no one knows
Roving, and may transposes
But there are always rhapsodies
That tickles our senses
And touches our hearts
Like sparkling eyes
With excitements

One Day
Happy, unhappy,
Joyful, sorrowful,
Blessed, depressed,
Are always there!
But it gives us a reason to smile today
And a hope for tomorrow

《Photo taken in Cangu, Bali》
Actually this is my old poem, hehehe...
But I just want to post my poems in my blog! :D

One Day

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
Beach, my favorite place to have holiday
Beach, my beloved place to begin making a poem of joy
I feel the warm air
I watch the blue water
I look at the open sky
I stand up on big stones
I smell steamy salt, shell, and sweet

I can see,
People do selfie,
People enjoy the scenery,
Children are happy,
With their building castle perfectly,
And their joining hands, with their family...

This gives me a massage of nature
Her words are soft and kind
and her gesture is rich in symbolism
That we need to attune ourselves
to the world around us to feel-
and to understand its subtle nuances

From the beach, I wonder with His creations
How small I seem to be walking
at the extremely wide beach is
and at the extremely big stones
And how I feel so alone standing amidst
the infinite expanse of the ocean
Thank you, Yaa Allah...


《Photo taken in Kute beach》
Actually, this is my old poem. I posted this late. My poem was written because i felt so deep visiting beaches...

At The Beach

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
*All good manners are delivered from 4......*

An-Nawawi writes:

_The Imam Al-Khaleel Abu Muhammad Abdullah ibn Abu Zaid, the leader of the Maliki scholars in the West in his time, said that all good manners are derived from four traditions._

Source: Sharh Sahih Muslim

👉These four traditions are the following:

1. _Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:_

*Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak goodness or remain silent.*

Source: Sahih Muslim 47, Grade: Sahih

We have been commanded to speak good words or remain silent.

 It is not permissible to use the tongue for bad purposes like telling lies, slander, gossip, curses, profanity, or abuse.

👉If we apply this tradition, we will be saved from the sins of the tongue by which many people enter Hellfire.

2  _Ali ibn Hussein reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:_

*Verily, from the perfection of Islam is that a person leaves what does not concern him.*

Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2318, Grade: Sahih

We have been commanded to leave what does not concern us and to mind our own business.

 It is not permissible to gossip, repeat everything we hear without verification, spy on others, seek out people’s faults, or to busy ourselves with matters beyond our concern.

👉 If we apply this tradition, we will make the most of our time and avoid violating the privacy and honor of others.

3. _Abu Huraira reported: A man came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and said, “Advise me.” The Prophet said:_

لَا تَغْضَبْ

*Do not get angry.*

The man repeated his request twice and the Prophet said:

لَا تَغْضَبْ

*Do not get angry.*

Source: Sahih Bukhari 5765, Grade: Sahih

We have been commanded to control our anger and to avoid acting impulsively.

 It is not permissible to allow anger to be the cause of transgression, aggression, oppressing others, harboring rancor in our hearts, or envying others.

👉If we apply this tradition, we will be saved from the innumerable sins caused by losing control of our anger.

4. _Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:_

*None of you will have faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.*

Source: Sahih Bukhari 13, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi

We have been commanded to love for each other what we love for ourselves and to treat each other the way we would love to be treated.

We should have a desire and intention to benefit others and to love good for them.

We should not hold any malice towards others or have an intention to harm others.

👉If we apply this tradition, Allah will honor us on the Day of Resurrection in the same way that we treated others well in this life.

_*From these four prophetic traditions are derived the foundations of all good character and manners in Islam.*_

_We should strive to apply these four traditions and thereby achieve a blessed rank among the righteous in the Hereafter._

Success comes from Allah, and Allah knows best.

Good Manners

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
After a conference on cancer prevention

* Some interesting points *
1. No to refined oil
2. No to milks of animal origin (nido.)
3. No to cubes
4. No to the consumption of the gasified juices of the different breweries (32 pieces of sugar per liter)
5. No refined sugars
6. No Microwave
7. No to mammography before delivery but echomamaire
8. No to too tight bras or after returning to work
9. No alcohol
10. No for reheating frozen meals
11. No to the conservation of water in the refrigerator in plastic bottles ...
12. All contraceptive pills are not good because they change the woman's hormonal system and give cancer.
13. Deodorants are dangerous especially used after shaving.
14. Cancer cells eat mainly sugar, everything is synthetic sugar even brown.
15. A cancer patient who suppresses sugar in his diet sees his disease regressed and can live long: sugar = deadly enemy.
16. A glass of beer is made 5 hours in the body and during this time the organs of the system are operating at idle speed.

* Yes to: *

1. Vegetables
2. Honey in measured quantities in place of sugar
3. Vegetable proteins such as beans versus meat
4. Two glasses of water on an empty stomach before brushing teeth, water kept in the room having the same temperature as we woke up
5. Unheated Meals
6. Anti cancer juice: aloe vera + ginger + parsley + celery + promaline (middle of the pineapple) mix and drink on an empty stomach.
7. Other anti-cancer juice: corossol (seedless) + promaline.
8. Eat the raw or cooked carrot or juice each day.

* Just to share info *
The association of American doctors has given answers to the cause of cancer
1. Do not drink tea in a plastic cup (cup).
2. Do not eat anything hot in a paper or plastic bag. Example: potato (fried).
3. Do not cook microwavable foods using plastic material

As a reminder :
When plastic is in contact with heat, this creates chemicals that can cause 52 types of cancer.

This message is better than 100 unnecessary SMS.
Inform your loved ones in order to be free from these effects.

⚠ Avoid drinking Coca Cola on pineapple or after you have eaten pineapple as a dessert.
Do not mix pineapple juice with Coca.
This mixture is deadly! People are dying there and they mistakenly believe that they were poisoned .... They were victims of their ignorance of this fatal cocktail!

Sms to share with loved ones.
May God preserve us
* Please reads and transmits. *

Dr. Richard from the United States.
Important Health Tips:

👉 Answer calls to the left ear.
👉 Do not take your medication with cold water ....
👉 Do not eat heavy meals after 5 pm.
👉 Drink more water in the morning, less at night.
👉 Do not lie down immediately after taking medication or after meals.
👉 When your phone's battery is low at the last bar, do not answer the phone, because the radiation is 1000 times more powerful.
👉 Can you pass this on to the people you love?
I just did it, kindness costs us nothing ...

Cancer Prevention

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
Please Read this Hadith for the sake of Allah:

 *A traveler* once came to the masjid to see the *Prophet Muhammad* (S.A.W) after greeting the *Prophet* (S.A.W), he was asked where he was from. The *traveler* replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered.
Following is the dialogue between the *traveler* and the *Prophet* (S.A.W).
*Traveler* : I do not want
punishments to be written in my account.
*Prophet* : Behave well with your parents
*Traveler* : I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.
*Prophet* : Fear Allah (Jalla Jalalu),always.
*Traveler* : I want to be counted amongst Allah's favourites.
*Prophet* : Recite Quran every morning and evening.
*Traveler* : I want my heart to always be enlightened.
*Prophet* : Never forget death.
*Traveler* : I never want to be away from Allah's blessing.
*Prophet* : Always treat fellow creatures well.
*Traveler* : I never want to be harmed by my enemies.
*Prophet* : Always have faith in Allah.(Only)
*Traveler* : I never want to be humiliated.
*Prophet* : Be careful of your actions.
*Traveler* : I wish to live long.
*Prophet* : Always do Goodness towards blood Relations
*Traveler* : I want my sustenance to increase.
*Prophet* : Always be in wudhoo.
*Traveler* : I wish to stay free of punishment in the grave.
*Prophet* : Always wear pure clothes.
*Traveler* : I never want to be burnt in hell.
*Prophet* : Control your eyes and tongue.
*Traveler* : How do I get my sins forgiven?
*Prophet* : Always ask forgiveness from Allah with
a lot of humility.
*Traveler* : I want people to respect me always.
*Prophet* : Never extend your hands of need at people.
*Traveler* : I want to always be honored.
*Prophet* : Never humiliate or put down anyone.
*Traveler* : I don't want to be squeezed by Qabr.(Squeezing in the grave)
*Prophet* : Recite Surat Al Mulk (The Dominion)often.
*Traveler* : I want my wealth to increase.
*Prophet* : Recite surat Al Waqiah (The Inevitable) every night.
*Traveler* : I want to be safe and at peace on Day of Judgment.
*Prophet* : Do zikr (Praises) of Allah from dusk to night.
*Traveler* : I want to be in full
attention & concentration during prayers.
*Prophet* : Always do wudhoo with concentration and attention.
*Kindly* do forward to all Muslims & Allah Will reward you Insha'Allah..
Sharing of Knowledge is
*Sadaqatul-Jaariyah* for you & me and you will receive thawab for all those who will read it Insha 'Allah.

A Traveler's Questions

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

When I complain about the taste of my food🍜
 I remember Him
Muhammad ﷺ
who used to fasten some stones on his stomach to hold on his hunger

When I complain about how less clothes I have 👕
I remember Him
Muhammad ﷺ
who had only two pieces of clothes for the rest of His life

When I complain of how uncomfortable my bed is🏠
I remember Him
Muhammad ﷺ
who slept on the palm frond and coarse cloth in his entire life

When I become so miser to give and share with others..
I remember Him
Muhammad ﷺ
who used to give his everything that he almost left nothing for himself

When I think of how poor I am💰
I remember Him
Muhammad ﷺ
who loved the poor so much and said to be with them in jannah, it cheers me up

When I'm upset of those who hurt me😢
I remember Him
Muhammad ﷺ
who had mercy on those who did evil to Him

When I think of those who hate me😒
I remember Him
Muhammad ﷺ
who always prayed for those who had insulted Him

When people don't thank me for what I do😨
I remember Him
Muhammad ﷺ
who reminded me that the best reward is from Allah

When none loves me..
I remember that I have Him
Muhammad ﷺ
who loves me for thousand years

When I think of how miserable my life is..
I remember Him
Muhammad ﷺ
 who had more struggle life than mine, and it strengthens me

May peace be upon Him, my beloved
May peace be upon Him, my role model
May peace be upon Him,
 My Rasool Allah Muhammad ﷺ
May peace be upon Him  He's the best example
 for our lives!.... 🍀🌷

Above is one of the Best Ever Message I have Received.
Kindly circulate this in ur friend circle and other groups...

Remember The Uswatun Hasanah!

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
*Signs of Matured Muslims*
✅ They speak the truth at all times
✅ They are good listeners
✅ They hardly take offense
✅ They are quick to forgive
✅ They are reliable
✅ They are supportive
✅ They have appetite for prayer and fasting
✅ They rely on the Word of God
✅ The more God lifts them up, the more they become humble
✅ They hardly defend themselves
✅ They are quick to repent
✅ They seek peace and pursue it
✅ They love people and they are compassionate
✅ They know when to talk and when to be quiet
✅ They are full of wisdom in many aspects of life
✅ They respect people and are very sensitive to people's feelings
✅ They have a lot of patience and they are not short tempered
✅ They fear God
✅ They give honour where it is due
✅ They are content with what they have
✅ They have good leadership skills
✅ They are hospitable
✅ They are not carried away by all kinds of teachings
✅ They are good followers
✅ They have a sacrificial spirit
✅ They don't gossip and look down on people
✅ They have faith
✅ They take part in mosque activities and attend mosque regularly
✅ They are clean in every aspect of life
✅ Their spirits are sensitive, they hate sin
✅ They don't act holier than others
✅ They don't compete with others

*Ask yourself: Am I a matured Muslim?*🔦
May God give us the grace to identify and work on our weak areas.        Please join me to forward it.

Signs of Matured Muslim

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
►Benefits of Ayatul Kursiyyu:

►1. Recite while Leaving your House, And 70,000 Angels Will Protect
You from All sides.

►2. Recite On Entering your Home, And Poverty Won't Enter your Home.

►3. Recite After ablution, And It Raises You 70 Times In Allah's Rank.

►4. Recite Before Sleeping, And 1 Angel Will Protect You The Whole

►5. Recite After obligatory prayers, And The Only Thing That Is Separating You From Paradise Is Death.

►If you pass this on, It is Sadaqatul
Jaria. (meaning you keep on getting rewarded for it, every time
someone acts upon it even when
you have died, until the day of

►Please, Don't Forget To Share, I have done mine by sharing the knowledge with you.

►Please even if You will not read, just FORWARD it.



►Astaghfirullah!  3x

►Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel.
►Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel.
►Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel.
►Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel.
►Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel.
►Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel.
►Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel. 7x

►After reciting your's, now forward it.

►In few minutes, millions will have said it.

►You have got nothing to lose so pass on...

Benefits of Ayatul Kursi

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

1. Don't sleep during the day and pray all night. By doing this you are converting the day into night and the night into day, which is not the purpose of fasting.

2. Avoid being lazy and inactive during the day.

3. Don't waste time playing games during the day. Rather, please Allah by increasing in your worship of him.

4. Avoid having Iftar parties. Ramadan wasn't meant to be a food extravaganza.

5. Dont ask your wife to spend Ramadan in the Kitchen. Eat something light and quick - she isn't Biryani woman.

6. Spend the last 10 days worshipping Allah rather than trying to prepare for Eid! A day that is better than a thousand months is in these last 10 days. You can't afford to miss this.

7. Dont stay awake the full night. Your body has a right over you, and when it wants rest, then rest.

8. Avoid excessive socialising after Taraweeh

9. Avoid shopping a lot in Ramadhaan.

10. Dont eat the full night.

11. Dont loiter around at night rather than worshipping Allah.

12. Eid doesnt require loads of preparation. Dont fall into this trap! Keep it simple, and it will be blessed.

May we witness this forthcoming Ramadan with sound health -

Common mistakes in Ramadhan:

1. Drinking
Milkshakes made with syrups etc on a daily basis

- Why: It contains high amounts of sugar, additives  and colourants
- Solution: If you have to, drink it twice a week maximum

2. Drinking large amounts of water at iftaar time

- Why: Filling the stomach with water is more strenuous to it than with food.
- Solution: have a few sips at iftaar then a glass after every two hours.

3. Exercising directly after iftaar.

- Why: the body's blood flow is concentrated around the stomach at that time.
- Solution: Exercise after two hours of eating to ease digestion.

4. Chewing and swallowing food fast.

- Why: chewing food slowly can speed up digestion and help maintain your weight

5. Having dessert directly after iftaar

- Why: they make you drowsy and sleepy
- Solution: leave at least a two hour gap between iftaar and dessert to stay fresh and awake for ishaa and taraweeh prayers

6. Consuming foods with high amounts of sodium

- Why: Sodium triggers thirst through out the fasting hours of the day
- Solution: instead, eat foods that are high in potassium, they retain water and supress your thirst.

# Bananas are high in potassium. A banana at Suhoor time can control your thirst level through out the day.

# Best sources of potassium for Suhoor time:
 - bananas
 - milk
 - dates
 - avocados
 - dried peaches
 - pistachios
 - pumpkin
 - peas
 - dark chocolate

# Worst choices for Suhoor:
 - biryani
 - kebab
 - pizza
 - fast food in general
 - cheese
 - haleem

# Best choices for Suhoor:
 - potato
 - rice
 - dates
 - whole grain bread
 - banana

# Drinking lots of water at suhoor is important, but not as much as drinking it through out your non-fasting hours.

The Grave is calling......! Listen very very carefully!
 Oh son of Adam! I'm full of darkness so bring with you the light of Salaah.

Please do not keep this reminder to yourself, share with your beloved brothers and sisters اللَّهُ give us the understanding


Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

Shaykh Maher (imam of Harem Makkah) gives some very practical advice here:

He says:

Ideas for the last ten days of Ramadan  :

1. Give 1 dinar in charity every night, so if it falls on laylatul qadr it's as if u gave charity everyday for 84 years.

2. Pray two ra'kaat every night, so if it falls on laylatul qadr it's as if u prayed everyday for 84 years.

3. Read Surah ikhlaas three times a night, so if it falls on laylatul qadr it's as if u read the whole Quran everyday for 84 years.

He then says spread this as you may find it on your account [of good deeds].

Allah make us of the victorious.

Ideas For The Last Ten Ramadhan

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

The Horrors Of Hell


The unbeliever will pray for his death when they sense its heat,


“And when they are thrown into a narrow place therein bound in chains, they will cry out thereupon for destruction.  (They will be told), ‘Do not cry this Day for one destruction but cry for much destruction.’” (Quran 25:13-14)

Their screams will get louder and they will call onto God hoping He will take them out of Hell:

“And they will cry out therein, ‘Our Lord, remove us; we will do righteousness – other than what we were doing!’” (Quran 35:37)

They will realize theirs sins and the error of stubborn disbelief:

“And they will say, ‘If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze.’  And they will admit their sin, so (it is) alienation for the companions of the Blaze.” (Quran 67:10-11)

Their prayers will be rejected:

“They will say, ‘Our Lord, our wretchedness overcame us, and we were a people astray.  Our Lord, remove us from it, and if we were to return (to evil), we would indeed be wrongdoers.’  He will say, ‘Remain despised therein and do not speak to Me.’” (Quran 23:106-108)

After that, they will call the keepers of Hell asking them to intercede to God on their behalf for reduction in torment:

“And those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Hell, ‘Supplicate your Lord to lighten for us a day from the punishment.’  They will say, ‘Did there not come to you your messengers with clear proofs?’  They will say, ‘Yes.’  They will reply, ‘Then supplicate (yourselves), but the supplication of the disbelievers is not except in error.’” (Quran 40:49-50)

Their will even plead for their own destruction to relieve themselves of the pain:

“And they will call, ‘O Malik, let your Lord put an end to us!’  He will say, ‘Indeed, you will remain.’” (Quran 43:77)

They will be told the punishment will never be reduced, it is eternal:

“Then be patient or impatient – it is all the same for you.  You are only being recompensed for what you used to do.’” (Quran 52:16)

They will weep for a long time:

“So let them laugh a little and then weep much as recompense for what they used to earn.” (Quran 9:82)

They will weep until no tears are left, then that they will weep blood, which will leave its traces as described by the Prophet:

“The people of Hell will be made to weep, and they will weep until they have no tears left.  Then they will weep blood until they have, as it were, channels in their faces, if ships were put in them, they would float.”[Ibn Majah ]

رَبَّنَا اصْرِفْ عَنَّا عَذَابَ جَهَنَّمَ إِنَّ عَذَابَهَا كَانَ غَرَامًا


"Our Lord! Avert from us the torment of Hell. Verily! Its torment is ever an inseparable, permanent punishment."



The Horrors Of Hell

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

_*SADAKA is not only related to MONEY. Infact these things are also considered as SADAKA*_

☝ _1. Dua_

☝ _2. Knowledge._

☝ _3. Advice._

☝ _4. To smile at your Muslim brother._

☝ _5. Help._

☝ _6. Time._

☝ _7. Be happy with your life_

☝ _8. Patience over difficult times._

☝ _9. To advise for good._

☝ _10. To stop from evil._

☝ _11. To talk softly._

☝ _12. To forgive._

☝ _13. To give respect._

☝ _14. To be a part of someones happiness._

☝ _15. To visit the sick._

☝ _16. To remove harmful       things from the path._

☝ _17. To guide       someone on   the right way._

*Forwarding this is also SADAKA*


Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
Minimum 35 Ways to Respect your Parents. Must read

1. Put away your phone in
    their presence.

2. Pay attention to what they
    are saying.

3. Accept their opinions.

4. Engage in their conversations.

5. Look at them with respect

6. Always praise them.

7. Share good news with

8. Avoid sharing bad news
    with them.

9. Speak well of their friends
    and loved ones to them.

10. Keep in remembrance
       the good things they did.

11. If they repeat a story,
       listen like it's the first
       time they tell it.

12. Don't bring up painful
       memories from the past.

13. Avoid side conversations
       in their presence.

14. Sit respectfully around

15. Don't belittle/criticize  
       their opinions and

16. Avoid cutting them off
       when they speak.

17. Respect their age.

18. Avoid hitting/disciplining
      their grandchildren
      around them.

19. Accept their advice and

20. Give them the power of
      leadership when they are

21. Avoid raising your voice
       at them.

22. Avoid walking in front or
      ahead of them.

23. Avoid eating before them

24. Avoid glaring at them.

25. Fill them with your
      appreciation even when
      they don't think they
      deserve it.

26. Avoid putting your feet  
       up in front of them or
       sitting with your back to

27. Don't speak ill of them to
      the point where others
      speak ill of them too.

28. Keep them in your
       prayers always possible.

29. Avoid seeming bored or
      tired of them in their

30. Avoid laughing at their

31. Do a task before they ask
      you to.

32. Continuously visit them.

33. Choose your words  
       carefully when speaking  
       with them.

34. Call them by names they

35. Make them your priority
      above anything.

Parents are treasure on this land and sooner than you think, that treasure will be buried. Appreciate your parents while you still can.
Today lets make lots of  prayers for our beloved parents.

If U love UR parents please forward to all.

Ways to Respect Your Parents

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
_*💐 Assalamualaikum*_                          _*Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu 💐                                    🍁 Bismillahir Rehmanir Rahim 🍁*_

         *Ramadan is approaching ...*


```If one tries to find out the causes of human misfortunes and failures, in the final analysis one will discover that a human being is a bundle of various needs and a captive of many wants. No spiritual and physical action of his is free from need and want. Morality, which to some extent is concerned with spirituality, when analyzed, is also seen to be based on some kind of need. Therefore all human misfortunes and failures are simply the result of need or want. If a person frees himself of all needs then he becomes an angelic (angel like) being instead of a human being.

No doubt the needs and wants of human beings are vast and endless, but it is worth pondering what and how much are his real needs. He has in his heart a stockpile of desires, a collection of wishes and self-made needs, but he has to ask himself questions whether it is possible for him to live without fancy clothes, luxury houses, decadent foods and extravagant cars. Will he not be able to live if he is devoid of wealth, pomp and glory? There have been people who have given up all their comforts and yet have survived. Prophet Abraham  and Adam, peace be upon them, are held up as examples of Allah's most devoted servants who gave up their kingship, and acquired an exulted spiritual life.

After negating and denying oneself the self-made needs, perhaps the vast assembly of so-called wants will shrink and be confined to a couple of real basic needs, such as food and drink, without which it is not possible to be alive. The physical and spiritual survival of the body depends only on the life-breath which itself is dependent on a few morsels of food and a few sips of water. The truth is that from that point onward any excess in food and drink is merely a desire for excessive pleasure and fun. On this account, if a dividing line is to be drawn separating a human being from an angel, this food and drink will be found to distinguish the two and to be the root of all the differences and distinctions between them. If all human crimes and sins are listed and if the basic reasons of greed, avarice, destruction and murder are sought, the ultimate link will be found in the excessive desire for pleasures and for these two things, namely food and drink.

To be continued...

In Sha Allah```

_*May Allah  ﷻ Bless us and guide us in all our affairs*_


_*💐 Assalamualaikum*_                          _*Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu 💐                                    🍁 Bismillahir Rehmanir Rahim 🍁*_

         *Ramadan is approaching ...*



In order to combat materialistic evils, all the religions of world have made it a primary condition of fasting from food and drinks to various extent. The real object is that a human being might gradually decrease the multiplicity of his needs and by continuous efforts of trying to free himself of excessive desire for power and want of food. All sins and crimes are the end results of these desires. If these desires and wants are lost, then surely he will be able to see a glimpse of the Angelic world in this human world. However, as long as a human being is alive it is impossible for him to avoid food completely, so all nations before have specified only a certain limited periods for abstaining from food. During this period, a human being should avoid all wants which can possibly be avoided and thus try to attain the status of an angelic being for that short while at least. Because the duty of an angel is the obedience and worship of Allah ﷻ, a human being should also regard this to be as far as possible the object and duty of his own life for that period.

The holy Quran has unveiled all these secrets and truths by one single word 'Taqwa' (self-restraint), and because the purpose of fasting was common to almost all nations before, the Holy Quran has mentioned them also.```

*Fasting is prescribed to you as It was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint...* ```(Quran 2:183)

The object and purpose of fasting is self-restraint (Taqwa), i.e. to keep one's desires under control and to keep oneself safe from emotional turmoil. From this it is evident that fasting has been made compulsory to work as a spiritual treatment. Proceeding further, the Holy Quran has elucidated further the purpose of fasting in Islam:```

*The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Saum (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Saum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allah [i.e. to say Takbir (Allahu-Akbar; Allah is the Most Great) on seeing the crescent of the months of Ramadan and  Shawwal] for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him.*
 ```(Surah Al-Baqara 2, Verse 185)

To be continued...

In Sha Allah```

_*May Allah  ﷻ Bless us and guide us in all our affairs*_


_*💐 Assalamualaikum*_                          _*Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu 💐                                    🍁 Bismillahir Rehmanir Rahim 🍁*_

         *Ramadan is approaching ...*


*The Purpose of Fasting in Islam*


Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ  said:```

*When one of you awakes in the morning for fasting, then he should not use obscene language or behave ignorantly. If anyone slanders him or tries to argue with him, he should say: Indeed, I am fasting. Indeed, I am fasting.* ```(Source: Ṣahiḥ Muslim 1151)

In another narration, the Prophet ﷺ said:```

*Verily, fasting is not only from eating and drinking. Rather, fasting is from vanity and obscenity. If someone abuses you or acts foolish against you, then say: Indeed, I am fasting.* ```(Source:Sahih ibn Hibban 3561, Grade: Sahih)

Saying this is as much a reminder to ourselves as it is to others. When we are tempted to commit sins or engage in bad thoughts while fasting, we should remind ourselves that we are fasting and change our thinking towards something good and beneficial.

If we do not abstain from bad words while fasting as well as sins and bad inward statements, then our fasting has not achieved one of its most important purposes. Allah ﷻ   certainly does not need any of us to fast, so we must remember that the benefits our fasting might be nullified by these sins.

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah   ﷺ said:```

*Whoever does not give up false speech and evil deeds while fasting, then Allah is not in need of his leaving food and drink.* ```(Source:Sahih al-Bukhari  1804)

In another narration, the Prophet ﷺ said:```

*A person might fast and he gets nothing from his fast but hunger.* ```(Source: Sunan Ibn Majah 1690)

Umar ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said:```

_Fasting is not merely from food and drink. Rather, it is from lies, falsehood, vain talk, and swearing._ ```(Source: Muṣannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah 8683)

In addition to keeping away from sins, we can use the exercise of fasting as a means to develop self-control over our low desires. Fasting generates will power within the heart that can be transferred to other situations in which we need to overcome temptation.
To be continued...

In Sha Allah```

_*May Allah  ﷻ Bless us and guide us in all our affairs*_

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
_*💐 Assalamualaikum*_                          _*Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu 💐                                    🍁 Bismillahir Rehmanir Rahim 🍁*_

         *The Sweet Taste of Hunger: The Spirituality of Fasting*


```We are constantly bombarded with images and messages that invite us to fulfill our immediate desire without thinking of the implications. “Just Do it!” “Have it your way,” “Obey your thirst,” “Don’t leave home without it,” and “America runs on Dunkin.” Implicit in these slogans is a message that these materialistic things are necessary for us to experience happiness. Must we obey our thirst? Why must it always be our way? Why should we just do things? These products are not inherently bad or evil, but the messages they use to sell their products instill in society a love for the self and its immediate desires.

Fasting allows one a break from materialism and shifts focus to the heart and soul. It “interrupts” one’s daily routine and breaks their connection to the things they are so used to easily having. While severing the connection to the materialistic, it also forces inner-reflection. Fasting sharpens our spiritual awareness so that we can connect to Allah . Although many people’s bodies are nourished, they still experience and emotional and spiritual emptiness. The soul and heart yearn for something more. When they are unable to find that, they turn again to materialism in hopes of filling that void. This creates a situation where one is constantly trying to keep up in the never ending cycle of getting the newest cars, gadgets, clothes, and toys in order to finally feel happy. This results in constant disappointment because one only finds a fleeting moment of happiness in these things and then returns to a starving and empty soul.

Food and water is our strongest desire and most basic human need. They connect us to the physical world and fasting breaks that connection so that we receive spiritual sustenance and are connected to our spirit. In other words, the fasting person intentionally denies themselves the strongest cravings of their body in order to focus on the cravings of the soul. When one fasts they give their body a break and focus on their soul.

Fasting is an act of worship in which one can easily cheat by eating or drinking when they are alone. However, most people do not cheat because they know that Allah  is watching and aware of what they are doing. This instills God consciousness in the heart because although they can cheat people, Allah  knows whether they eat or not. Therefore, fasting brings sweetness to the act because it is only between the person and Allah . Fasting is certainly challenging, but just like any other challenge in life, there is a sweetness to it. When one does a rigorous workout, it is difficult and challenging, but there is also a positive emotion of accomplishment that one experiences. Likewise, fasting is challenging, but it a spiritual workout that weakens the body and strengthens the soul.

Despite the physical challenge of fasting, Muslims experience a great ease in spirituality during the month of Ramadan. Mosques are full, people stand in prayer during the night, recite more Qurʾān, give more charity, and build stronger family and communal relations.

To be continued...

In Sha Allah```

_*May Allah  ﷻ Bless us and guide us in all our affairs*_


The Spirituality of Fasting

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
Juz 2: *Facts you may not know:*

1. It is called Sayaquul. Covers verses 142 to 152 of Surah Baqarah, the longest Surah in the Quran ⭐🌟✨

2. The verses of this section were largely revealed in the early years after migration to Madiinah, at the initiation of the muslim ummah.
3. It is full of political and social guidelines and examples of how the newly-established muslim community should operate🌆🏙🌃

4. It starts with the famous verses in which Allah changed the Qiblah from Jerusalem to Mekka. It is said that the Prophet(alaihi salaam) changed during swalah in masjid qablatain in Madiinah🕌🕌

5. Hajj was prescribed in this Juz and guidelines on how Hajji and Umrah are performed 🕋

6. In this juz, Allah prohibited the eating of dead animals, blood, and the flesh of swine. Also gambling and alcohol where banned😤

7. Allah prescribed Revenge. "and in it there is life..." Allah told us.💪😊

8. Another pillar of Islam, fasting Ramadan was prescribed in this Juz, ' that we might become righteous!'. _Alhamdulillah Rabbil Aalamin_ 👳🙏

9. Allah forbids suicide, forbids bribery and prescribes Jihad when attacked, banished from Homes, and
 prevented from accessing the qaabah 💂‍♀👮‍♀👳

10. Polytheitic women and polytheitic men are made haraam for muslim men and muslim women respectively because, "they call you to Hell while Allah calls you to Paradise" 👰🙅‍♂

11. Sex with menstruating women was prohibited in this Juz 😤

12. Mothers were advised to breast feed their babies for 2 complete years, '..for proper grooming'. However husbands should pay their breast feeding wives according to their capabilities.. 👶

13. The Juz ends with the story of how Saul became the King of Isreal, the battle of David and Goliath and how Allah made David a king and a prophet!  🤴

*Oh Lord! Make us among those that stand in the Taraweh Prayer and listen to your Quran*

Facts of Qur'an in juz 2

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

_*What is Ghusl?*_
*Ghusl* is considered an act of worship;  an act of purifying oneself from the ritual impurity. I.e sexual intercourse.

✅Bath for Janabat
✅Bath for Hayz (for women only)
✅Bath for Nifas (for women only)
✅Bath for Istihaza (for women only)
✅Bath for touching a dead body
✅Bath for a dead body
✅Bath which becomes obligatory on account of a vow or an oath to perform it.

*1)*🚿Niyat from the heart to purify oneself from major impurity i.e Janaba
*2)*🚿Say Bismillah and wash the hands three times
*3)*🚿Wash any dirt from the private part
*4)* 🚿Then do wudoo’as for prayer, a complete wudoo’.
*5)* 🚿Pour water over the head three times, and rub the hair so that the water reaches the roots of the hair.
*6)*🚿Then wash the body thrice starting with the right side making sure that the water reaches all parts
*7)*🚿Then wash the body thrice with the left side making sure that the water reaches all parts.
*8)*🚿Wash the whole body

*i. The Water:*💧
1. The water must be mutlaq (unmixed, pure).
2. The water must be tahir (ritually clean).
3. The water must be mubah (lawful). The details of these conditions are same as the conditions of the water of wudu.

*ii. The Person:*👤
4. Niyyat.
5. All parts of the body must be clean from the impurity (e.g., semen, blood) before starting the ghusl .
6. Use of water should not be harmful to the person who wants to perform ghusl.
7. The ghusl must be performed by the person himself. (The details are same as in wudu)

*iii. The Ghusl* 🚿
8. The place where ghusl is being performed must be
mubah (lawful).
9. The ghusl should be performed either in tartibi manner or in irtimasi manner.
10. All parts of the body must be washed thoroughly as explained above.

_*Don't forget to share*_

How To Perform Ghusl

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
*Nine things will give you benefits everyday**

1/ تريد السعاده = صل الصلاة في وقتها.
1/If you seek happiness: Offer salaa on time.

2/ تريد نور الوجه =  بقيام الليل.
2/ If you want light on your face:
Rise up for tahajjud in the night.

3/ تريد الطمئنينة = عليك بترتيل القرآن.
3/If you want tranquility and peace: Recite the Qur'an slowly and carefully.

4/ تريد الصحه = عليك بالصيام.
4/If you seek health: Fast

5/ تريد الفرج = لازم الإستغفار.
5/If you seek inner joy: Keep on with repentance.

6/ تريد زوال الهم = لازم
6/If you want to be free from sorrow: Keep on praying.

7/ تريد زوال الشده = قل لاحول ولا قوة إلا بالله
7/If you want violence to disappear, say: La hawla wa lâ quwwata illa billah.

8/ تريد البركه = صل على النبي واله الطيبين الطاهرين.
8/If you seek abundance:
Recite praises and greetings (durood) to the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his virtuous family and companions.

9/ تريد حسنات بدون تعب =
 لاتحتفظ بها أرسلها لينتفع بها كل الاحبه
سبحان الله
من كان مع ﺂلله كان ﺂلله معه
ومن كان يحب ﺂلله كان ﺂلـله يحبه
9/If you wish to do goodness without getting tired: Do not keep this message to yourself. Let your loved ones benefit from this too.

Allah (SWT) is with those who are with Him and consider His commandments.

Allah (SWT) loves those who love Him.

هل تعلِم :
عند قرآءة آية الكرسي بعد كل صلآة
يbbصبح بينك وبين الجنه الموت فقط
تذكير :لا تكتم علماً خيراً تجزى به

Do you know?
If you recite Ayat al Kursiyy after prayers, only Death will remain between you and Paradise.

Note: Never hide any knowledge for which you will be rewarded with goodness and auspiciousness.

ً🌏اجعلوها تلف العالم🌏
🍀Let this knowledge move around the world.

Nine Things Will Give You Benefit Everyday

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

1. Cumcumber
Remember fruit is any food with seeds! Cucumber has the highest water content of any solid food at a whopping rate of 96%. You can do something as simple as adding cucumber slices to your drink of water to gain the health benefits of this fruit. Another option is to make chilled cucumber soup, blending cucumber with ice cubes, yoghurt and mint.
2. Tomatoes
Tomatoes have a 95% water content. You can add them to your salad, or again make a soup from them. Don’t forget that you can eat baby tomatoes on their own.
3. Peaches
With an 88% water content, peaches also have a fantastic range of health benefits. They can be used as alternatives to oranges for vitamin C, and contain vitamin A which protects vision and eyesight.
4. Oranges
Oranges can be used in a multitude of ways. They can made into juices or jams, and with a water content of at least 85% they are sure to keep you hydrated. Try a fruit salad or a smoothie!
5. Watermelon
The name gives it away! Consisting of up to 92% water, watermelons are a great source of hydration. A study has actually found that the combination of natural vitamins, minerals, sugars and salts found in watermelons actually make them more effective than water in hydrating us.
Second reminder. Thursday. SOME FRUITS to consider in Ramadan continues.  Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

6. Strawberries
All berries hold a high water content, with strawberries boasting a rate of 92%. You can make a smoothie out of mixed berries, or even just add blackberries, blueberries, or raspberries to your water.
7. Pineapple
Pineapples are fantastic at helping to digest food. With a water content of 85%, a smoothie or fruit salad will help keep you hydrated. They also boost your immune system since they increase your intake of antioxidants.
8. Grapefruit
Being 90% water, grapefruit is brilliant for keeping yourself hydrated when you’re burning energy and sweating a lot. It is also considered to help with losing weight and treating common illness like the cold.
9. Green Peppers
Green peppers have extra benefits such as reducing the risk of age-related eye disorders, and with a water content of 94%, they are definitely worth incorporating into your food and salad.
10. Apples
Another great option to use when making a smoothie or fresh juice, apples are 84% water. You might even want to add apple slices to your salad – you’d be surprised how tasty it is!😊.

May Allah forgive our shortcomings and grant us our wish only if that will benefit our faith. Aameen.


Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

_Hasan Al-Basree (rahimahullaah) advised some of his students admonishing them about avoiding the state of being proud. He said;_

1⃣Do not deceive yourself into being too proud because you are in a good or righteous environment, for there is no place that is better than Paradise, and our father, Aadam (`alayhis-salaam), experienced there what is known to all.

2⃣Do not become proud merely because you worship often, for consider what happened to Iblees (Satan) after he spent a great deal of time worshiping.

3⃣Do not think yourself great because you have met with righteous people, for there is no man more righteous than the Prophet (ṣalAllaahu `alayhi wa salaam), yet the disbelievers and hypocrites did not benefit by simply knowing him.

📚 [Taken from “Gems And Jewels,” P. 182]

✍ As'salamu Alaykum my brothers and sisters in Islam.

     ```Advise & Guidance```
   🌴 *🔟 Quotes from*🌴
     ```Mufti Ismail Menk```
        *(By Abu Sumayya)*

*Praise be to Allah Almighty. We send blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.*

1⃣ 🌴Whatever you do, be gentle. People might have
forgiven your harsh words but they may never
forget how it stabbed their heart at that time!

2⃣ 🌴Your self worth doesn't depend on what others
 say about you. You don't have to apologise for the
way you look & your belief. Be yourself.

3⃣ 🌴Many times things happen which you don't
understand. You feel discouraged by the twists &
turns in life. They're all a part of the Almighty's

4⃣ 🌴At times, the pain you're going through seems so unbearable & you feel you can't go on. Don't get
angry with yourself. Nothing is permanent.

5⃣ 🌴Your haters & critics don't control your life. They
want to show that they have a hold on you, your emotions & reactions. Ignore them.

6⃣ 🌴Just because the Almighty hasn't given it to you
yet, doesn't mean He won't or can't. He'll give it
when you're ready. He knows best!

7⃣ 🌴Don't fret when you're tested. The Almighty
 knows what He's doing. Some of your greatest
tests will turn out to be your greatest strengths.

8⃣ 🌴If you don't like someone, leave them alone &
don't hurt them. By swearing, being vulgar,
abusive & disrespectful towards them, you're showing signs of weak faith & how distant you are from the Almighty.

9⃣ 🌴Don't wish ill on others as much as you want to
hurt those who hurt you. Wish them healing. Wish them love. Walk away. The Almighty knows.

🔟 🌴No matter how much material gains you make in
this world, if your heart is not connected to the
 Almighty, your happiness is temporary.

Brothers and sisters, If we keep looking back & living a life of regret,
how can we expect to move forward & embrace
all that the Almighty has in store for us?
 Always look forward. Forgive and forget

Don't forget to share this message as much as possible to share in on the reward and also to inspire an amazing sunnah revival.

Self Reminder

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
*A Summary of How the Beginning of Ramadan is Established*

This summary is based on what is contained in the Fatāwā of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Verdicts, Saudi Arabia (no.1657 et al), the Resolutions of the Council of Senior Scholars, Saudi Arabia, (no.1, no. 2) as well as a fatwā issued by Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān (Arabic audio).

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:

When you see [the crescent of Ramaḍān] then fast, and when you see [the crescent of Shawwāl], then stop fasting; and if it is obscured from you, then count it as 30 days. Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim

1. The Sharīʿah regards the sighting of the moon crescent by eye as the legitimate method of determining the beginning and ending of the fast of Ramaḍān, based on the texts (like the ḥadīth above).
2. Astronomical calculations are not a legitimate way to determine the beginning or end of the month for worship like fasting in Ramaḍān.

3. Scholars are agreed that the crescent appears at different times in different geographical locations, but there is a difference of opinion as to whether this variation is to be considered for fasting Ramaḍān:

4. Some scholars say if it is confirmed that a reliable Muslim sees the crescent of Ramaḍān then it becomes obligatory on everyone else who knows of this sighting to start fasting regardless of where they are. Other scholars say every location that has a different time for moonrise must go by their own sighting.

5. This difference of opinion is based on the interpretation of textual evidence on both sides. It is a legitimate issue of ijtihād, and is not a cause for concern. It is not known that the Ummah ever had a unified Ramaḍān or ʿEid across its expanded lands; and this was never a problem.

6. Therefore, the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Verdicts views that the issue should not be agitated, but instead should remain as it is, i.e. every Muslim country should leave the decision about whether to consider different moon sighting times to their scholars, and follow what they deem to be correct based on the evidence, and the people of the country should follow what the ruler of the country does on that basis.

7. It is not correct to specify one country or land, e.g. Makkah, as the place that everyone must go by. This would lead to Muslims who have seen the crescent in one location not starting the fast if it was not seen in that specified place, which contradicts what is commanded in the Sharīʿah.

8. In Non-Muslim countries: the Muslims try to sight the crescent themselves, and if sighted, they should fast and inform the Islamic centre or representative Muslim body in their land. The representative body has the right to choose one of the two opinions about whether fasting is established based on any sighting or whether it must be a sighting from their own crescent locality. The centre then announces the beginning of the month to the rest of the Muslims there. The Muslims fast united based on this announcement.

9. If they do not have an Islamic centre that takes care of the affairs of the Muslims, they fast per the nearest country to them, in the same sighting locality, where the moon is sighted.

Summarised and Translated by Owais Al-Hāshimī Shaʿbān 1438 (May 2017)

A Summary of How the Beginning Ramadhan is Established

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullah 😃

As the blessed month comes, May Allah help us to make the best out of it and get maximum deeds In Shaa Allah (Amin)

This Ramadan remember 💡👇🏽:

1. It's all about that connection with Allah S.W.T, so try your best to practice technology hygiene. Don't stay glued to your phone and gadgets. Every time is precious ⌚ ⌚


2. Try to ZONE OUT during Salah. Find your 'Ramadan spot', a nice quiet area where you can hear yourself when saying your salah and practice great khushoo 🙂


3. Set REALISTIC goals for yourself. Focus on what YOU want to achieve during this blessed month and try not to overwhelm yourself with plenty to-do's. Remember, Allah loves consistency 🥇


4. Sunnah, sunnah, SUNNAH is the best way to achieve maximum deeds during Ramadan so let's try to copy as much as our Prophet( peace be upon him) did.


5.It's not a competition for who throws the most lavish of Iftars 🥘, travels yearly for umrah ✈ etc. The whole point of this month is to try and live simply and understand that we are fortunate to be where we are, not show off to each other and indulge in extravagance


6. FORGIVE those who have wronged you without reservations. Humans are NOT perfect and therefore very prone to making mistakes. Holding on to grudges has never done anyone any good and Allah S.W.T loves those of us who forgive 🌈🌈🌈🌈


7. Try to give Sadaqah In any way you can (Da'wah, donations, helping those in need/ family members etc) and according to what you can do. Again, don't overwhelm yourself with too much goals😥😥😥😥


8. Take what you've learnt forward after Ramadan. Even if it's one aspect e.g reading Qur'an a daily/listening to sermons etc. If you can be a great Muslim during Ramadan guess what? You can keep being great all year 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽👍👍👍

9. Be as supportive as you can be to your children, spouse and family members. Encourage each other to be the best you can be during this holy month👫👫👫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦


10. If you cannot physically spare time to do nafil during the day due to school, work or other commitments, Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) is a great way of keeping proactive and solidifying our connection with Allah S.W.T. Why not make a Dhikr/ dua list to say daily or at different times of the day? ✍🏽🗒🗒


11. No prayer is too much or little. Ask for whatever you want and BELIEVE that Allah S.W.T will fulfill it for you In Shaa Allah.


Forward to others of this has benefitted you and May Allah S.W.T answer all our duas, bless each and every one of our efforts (big or small) and may he continue to guide us in all our affairs (Amin).

Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family 💐💐💐💐

*7-tips how to prepare for the*
         📿 *Ramadan*📿

This month—Shabaan—is the prime time to start fasting those extra fasts or making up your missed fasts from last *Ramadan.*
Usamah ibn Zayd (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I said, ‘Oh Messenger of Allah, I do not see you fasting in any other month like you fast in Shabaan.’ He said, ‘That is a month to which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadan, and it is a month in which deeds are lifted up to the Lord of the Worlds. I like for my deeds to be lifted up when I am fasting.'” (Narrated by al-Nasaai)

*The best way to prepare fasting for a whole month is to start fasting often, in order to gain control over your actions, stomach and desires.*
✔Fast Mondays and Thursdays:

Abu Hurairah reported that the most the Prophet (pbuh) would fast would be Monday and Thursday. He was asked about that and he said: “The deeds of people are presented to Allah on every Monday and Thursday. Allah forgives every Muslim except for those who are deserting each other.” (Hasan)
Fast the White Days—13th, 14th and 15th of each Islamic month:

*Abu Tharr Al-Ghefari said: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, ‘Oh Abu Dharr! If you fast three days of every month, then fast the 13th, 14th and 15th (these are called Al-Ayaam Al-Beedh, the White Days).'” (Sahih)*
The Prophet said, “(Allah said), ‘Every good deed of Adam’s son is for him except fasting; it is for Me, and I shall reward (the fasting person) for it.’ Verily, the smell of the mouth of a fasting person is better to Allah than the smell of musk.” (Bukhari)

Start now to reflect on portions of the Qur’an to get closer to Allah and understand your responsibilities. Every single time you read the Qur’an, you will uncover more depths of meaning and benefit in this world and the hereafter.
Aishah (ra) related that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Indeed the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly and precisely, will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. As for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have twice that reward.” (Muslim)

Learn more about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and follow him by emulating his actions.
“Say, [Oh Muhammad], If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Qur’an 3:31)

We all make mistakes, but alhamdulilah we can always repent.
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “All the children of Adam constantly err, but the best of those who constantly err are those who constantly repent.” (Tirmidhi)

This world can only be a better place if we help each other. In return, Allah rewards us in both worlds.
The Messenger (pbuh) said, “Allah is in the aid of His servant as long as His aide is in the assistances of others.” (Muslim)
“Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He will multiply it for him and he will have a noble reward?” (Qur’an 57:11)
The Prophet also said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

Everyone can be a little bit more kind and work on different aspects of their character.
The Prophet (pbuh) used to say: “The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character.” (al-Bukhari)

With less time to eat in Ramadan, we really need to pay attention to what we eat. Now is the best time to research the nutritious value of the food we eat. While we fast, the food we eat before we start our fast or to break our fast needs to provide the optimal energy so we can accomplish our daily tasks and increase our worship.
Overeating too is hazardous.
Ash-Shafi’i said: “”I have not filled myself in 16 years because filling oneself makes the body heavy, removes clean understanding, induces sleep and makes one weak for worship.”
In order to take full advantage of this holy month, we need to prepare ourselves spiritually, mentally and physically. Insha’Allah if we constantly try to improve ourselves, then when we reach Ramadan, we will be able to easily move to the next level spiritually.
_May Allah permit us to witness this coming Ramadan_
Ameen yah Allah

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Tips in Fasting on Ramadhan

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
✍As'salamu Alaykum my brothers and sisters in Islam.


*Praise be to Allah Almighty. We send blessings and salutation upon our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.*

We will describe the prayer below as though you are praying on your own.

*NOTE:* When you are reciting anything in prayer, you do all of it quietly except for the following: In the first and second rakaats, when reciting Surah Al-Fatiha, “Ameen” and another Surah, you say it out loud if you are performing either Fajr, Maghrib or Isha prayers. If you are performing Dhuhr or Asr prayers, everything is said quietly, in all rakaats.

*(i)* The first rakaat

*(1)* You start, as described above, by standing and facing Qibla. You should look down at the point where your head will prostrate and you should look at this spot throughout the prayer. Your legs are shoulder-length apart.

(NOTE: If you are praying in congregation, standing in a row with other men, your feet should be touching the edges of the feet of the Muslim either side of you.)

*(2)* Raise your hands to your shoulders and say *“Allahu Akbar”* Your prayer has begun and you should try not to respond to distractions or people calling you, unless it is an emergency

*(3)* Lower your hands and place them on your chest, your right hand over your left hand.

*(4)* Begin by reciting a Dua – This is only done in the first rakaat and not any other rakaat. A recommended Dua is as follows:

👉 *“Subhana kalla humma wa bihamdika, wa tabarakasmuka, wa ta’ala jadduka, wa la ilaaha ghayruk”*

      [Abu Dawood and Haakim]

*(5)* Then seek refuge with Allah by saying the following- This is only done in the first rakaat and not any other rakaat:

👉 *“Aa-oodhobillahi minash-shaytaan nir-rajeem”*

    [Abu Dawood, Haakim, Ibn Maajah]

*(6)* Then say,
👉 *“Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem”*

     [Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad]

*(7)* Then recite Surah Al-Fatiha

*(8)* Then say *“Ameen”*

*(9)* Then recite any other surah of the Qur’an.

*(10)* Having finished the surah, pause for a moment. Then raise your hands to your shoulders and say “Allahu Akbar”

       [Bukhari and Muslim]

*(11)* Then bend down and bow. This is called Rukoo. You grip your knees with your hands and keep your back straight and level and horizontal. Do not drop your head nor raise it.

[Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood].

*(12)* Whilst in Rukoo, you say the following three times.

👉 *“Subhana rabiyall-adheem wa bihamdihi”*

*(13)* Then you stand up straight again. As you move back to a standing position, you say the following

👉 *“Sami-Allah huliman hamida”*

*(14)* As you move back into a standing position, you also raise your hands to your shoulders.

*(15)* When you are standing up straight, you say the following:
👉 *“Rabbana walakal hamd”*

*(16)* Then you say *“Allahu Akbar”* and prostrate on the floor. This is called sajda or being in sujood.

👉 When you go down, you place your hands down before your knees. Your hands are place either side of
your head, near to your ears and shoulders. Your fingers should be closed and not spread out and pointing in the direction of Qibla. Your nose and forehead should be firmly on the ground.
👉 Your knees and toes are also firmly on the ground. Your toes should be pointing towards Qibla.
👉 Your heels should be together.
👉 Your forearms should not be on the floor but raised slightly away from the floor. Your forearms should also be away from your sides

  [Bukhari and Muslim and others].

*(17)* Whilst in sujood, say the following three times:
👉 *“Subhana Rabi-yall ‘aala wa bihamdihi”*
👉 *Whilst in sajda, you can make as many duas as you want and ask Allah for things.*

*(18)* Then say *“Allahu Akbar”* and rise from sujood and go into an upright sitting position. In this position, you should sit with your left foot down but your right foot upright, with your toes pointing towards Qibla. You are still looking at the spot where your head has prostrated. Your back is straight. The palms of your hands are on your knees.

*(19)* Whilst sitting, you recite the following:
*“Rabbi, ghfer lee, ghfer lee”*

👆Many people don't know the above Dua. So here it is today.

*(20)* Then you say *“Allahu Akbar”* and go into sujood for a second time.

*(21)* Whilst in sujood, say the following three times:
👉 *“Subhana Rabi-yall ‘aala wa bihamdihi”*
👉 *Whilst in sajda, you can make as many duas as you want and ask Allah for things.*

*(22)* Then you say “Allahu Akbar” and return to a sitting position for a moment.

*(23)* Then you return to a standing position. To stand up, you get up by clenching your fists and supporting yourself on them on the ground, before standing up. You stand with your hands on your chest and your right hand over your left hand. This is the end of the first rakaat (one unit of prayer is now complete).

*(ii)* the second rakaat

The second rakaat is the same as the first rakaat except for a few differences.

*(24)* Start the second rakaat by reciting Surah Al-Fatiha. After this, say “Ameen” and then recite any other Surah of the Qur’an and repeat just like you did in the first rakaat.

👉 But whilst sitting, your raise the index finger on your right hand. pointing it forwards.

*(25)* Whilst sitting and pointing your finger, you recite the following, which is called Tashahhud.

🌴 *“At-tahhyyatu lillahi was-salawatu wattayyibbatu. As -salaamu ‘alayka ayyuhan-nabiyyu wa rahma tullahi wa barakatuhu. As-salaamu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibadil-la his-salihin. Ash-hadu al la ilaha illal-lahu wa ash0hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu.”*

*(26)*You now lower your finger down.

*(27)* What happens next is dependent upon whether you are performing a prayer that has 2 rakaats, 3
rakaats or 4 rakaats.

👉If you are performing a prayer that only has 2 rakaats, go on to step 28.

👉 If you are performing a prayer that has 3 rakaats, you say “Allahu Akbar” and stand up, with your hands on your chest – your right hand on your left hand. You now perform one more rakaat. So repeat just like the second rakaat. Then you go onto step 28.

👉If you are performing a prayer that has 4 rakaats, you need to perform 2 more rakaats. So you say “Allahu Akbar” and stand up, with your hands on your chest – your right hand on your left hand. You now repeat another two rakaats like the first and the second rakaat and then go on to step 28.

*(28)* You are sitting and have put your finger down after reading the Tashahhud. You now invoke the Blessings of Allah on the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) by reading the following:

🌴 *“Allahumma salli ‘alaa Muhammadin wa ‘alaa aali Muhammadin kamaa sallayta ‘alaa Ibraheema wa ‘alaa aali Ibraheema, innaka Hameedum Majeed. Allahumma baarik ‘alaa Muhammadin wa ‘alaa aali Muhammadin kamaa baarakta ‘alaa Ibraheema wa ‘alaa aali Ibraheema, innaka Hameedum Majeed.”*

29. After this, you can recite any supplication duas you like.

*(30)* When you have finished reciting your duas, you now end the prayer with Tasleem. This is done by first turning your head to your right side and saying the following:
👉 *“As'salaamu Alaykum*

*(31)* Now turn your face to your left side and say the following:
👉 *“As'salamu Alaykum*

Your prayer is now complete.

👆All the above is an explanation of the basics of prayer. There are additional duas and recitations that you can recite at different stages of the prayer. We won’t go into these additional things now, to avoid confusion for people. If there is anything in the explanation of prayer above, which is confusing, please let me know.

☝ *Stand Up 4 Islam and don't forget to share this message as much as possible to share in on the reward and also to inspire an amazing sunnah revival.*
*👉 +2348140323414*
*👉 +2348148173724*

🌴 *O Allah! Help us and protect us from the devil and grant us the strength to fulfil our Prayers with concentration. O Allah! Accept our prayers and make our prayers a witness for us and not against us. Aameen*
✍ As'salamu Alaykum my brothers and sisters in Islam.

Continuation on our topic:
   🌴 ```How to pray:``` 🌴
*Praise be to Allah Almighty. We send blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.*

✍ When praying, our clothing should be clean. For a man, his shoulders need to be covered. Umm Hani
(radiyAllahu anha) reported that the Prophet peace be upon him wrapped his body with a single garment and crossed its ends over his shoulders

            [Bukhari and Muslim].

✍ When praying, your awra should be covered. Awra is that part of the body which should be covered and not shown publicly. For men, it is between the navel and the knee and for the woman, it is everything except the face and hands. Clothing should not contain pictures of living things. The rules of clothing for women still applies (we have not described these rules here but there are many scholars that can help women to know what the ruling of dresses).

👉If you are praying inside (eg. home, Masjid, other building), shoes are always taken off before praying.

🌴 Helpful tip: Ensure that you wear clothes that will not reveal any part of your awra, when you are performing prayers. For example, the fashion nowadays is for men to wear jeans that hang very low around the waist. This has the effect that when a man bends over, eg. for prostration, then the skin between his waist and the top of his behind becomes exposed to the public.


Performing the obligatory prayers in the Masjid is a duty that Muslim men should do [Bukhari and Muslim], whenever possible (without feeble excuse as well). It is not as much of an obligation for women to pray at the Masjid.

👉 Enter the Masjid with the right foot first (when you leave, leave with the left foot first). When you enter the masjid, you should pray two rak’at before sitting [Bukhari]. In addition you should not raise your voice in the masjid


However, Abdullah ibn Umar (radiyAllahu anhu) narrated, ‘The Prophet (Peace be upon him) used to ask the Mu’adhin on every cold and rainy night, to announce, “Pray in your houses.”‘

           [Bukhari and Muslim].

The Mu’adhin is the person who makes the Call for Prayer.


If you are praying at home, ensure there are no pictures or statues in the room you are praying in.

Prayer in congregation is highly recommended. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, *“Prayer in congregation in superior by 27 degrees to prayer performed individually.”*

             [Bukhari and Muslim]


👉There are prescribed times for prayer (as described in Bukhari). The five obligatory prayers (ie. the prayers that you Must do) are:

1⃣ Fajr (morning prayer)
This is between the break of dawn and sunrise

2⃣ Dhuhr (noon prayer)
This starts when the sun declines from the meridian and ends when the shadow of an object is the same as the length of that object.

3⃣ Asr (afternoon prayer)
This starts from the end of Dhuhr up until sunset.

4⃣ Maghrib (prayer after sunset)
This starts from sunset and ends with the disappearance of the red line from the horizon.

5⃣ Isha (night/evening prayer)
This starts when Maghrib ends and remains until the start of Fajr prayer.

To make it easier for you to know what the times are, simply get hold of a prayer timetable from your local Masjid. There are three forbidden times for prayer. These are:

1⃣ When the sun begins to rise until it is fully up
2⃣ When the sun is at its height at midday til it passes the merdian
3⃣ When the sun draws near to setting, til it has set.

      [Narrated from Muslim]

👉However, if you have missed an obligatory prayer, you are allowed to pray this, even at the forbidden times. This is because the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, *“Whoever has forgotten the prayer should pray it whenever he remembers it.”*

           [Bukhari and Muslim]

To be continued in shaa Allah.....

Don't forget to share this message as much as possible to share in on the reward and also to inspire an amazing sunnah revival.

🌴 *O Allah! Help us and protect us from the devil and grant us the strength to fulfil our Prayers with Submissiveness and help us to concentrate. Aameen*
✍ As'salamu Alaykum my brothers and sisters in Islam

🌴    HOW TO PRAY    🌴

*Praise be to Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) who ordained As-salaat (Prayer) as an act of worship on His servants, and may the utmost peace and blessings of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) be upon His prophet who taught the Ummah how best to perform the prayer.*

Firstly, a Muslim must be clean and have washed themselves. There are two types of washing: Ghusl
(basically having a bath/shower) and Wudhu (ablution).

GHUSL (Bath/Shower)
You must do Ghusl if any one of the following conditions apply (and before performing prayer):

*After marital relations* – Ghusl must be performed when either:

👉if semen is emitted (a thick white liquid in the case of a man and a fine yellow liquid in the case of a woman)

👉if a man has penetrated his wife (in this case, it doesn’t matter if semen had been emitted or not)

👉 [The evidence for this is in Sahih Muslim]

👉After a menstrual period (for women) When a woman’s post natal bleeding has stopped

👉When a non-Muslim embraces Islam

Ghusl is done in the following way:

1⃣ Make intention to perform Ghusl
2⃣ Say “Bismillah”
3⃣ Wash your hands three times
4⃣ Wash your private parts and around that area (use your left hand, not your right)
5⃣ Perform Wudhu (see below) – except that you do not need to wash the feet at this stage
6⃣ Pour water over your head three times
7⃣ Pour water over your whole body and rinse yourself with your hands (wash yourself beginning with the right hand side first)
8⃣ Wash your feet
9⃣ [the above was reported by Ahmad and Muslim and others]

💧   *WUDHU (Ablution)*  💧

Wudhu is performed if any of the following conditions apply (and before performing prayer):

👉After sleeping
👉After visiting the toilet, ie. if anything comes out of the two private parts. You must clean your private parts with water after this.
👉After sexual discharge (this is different from semen – it is the fine fluid that comes out after a wet dream)
👉After passing wind
👉After becoming unconscious.

🌴  *Wudhu is done in the following way:*

*(1)* Make intention to perform Wudhu

*(2)* Say “Bismillah”

*(3)* Wash your hands three times, up to and including the wrists

*(4)* Rinse the mouth three times.

*(5)* Rinse inside your nostrils three times.

*(6)* Wash your face three times (for men: including the beard)

*(7)* Wash your arms three times, beginning with your right arm, from your wrist up to and including the elbow.

*(8)* Wipe your hair with water.

*(9)*Wipe your ears with water three times, including the inside of your ears.

*(10)* Wash your feet, beginning with your right foot, up to and including the ankles, three times.

*(11)* After completing this, you say *“Ash-hadu an lailaha illallahu, wahdahu laa shareekalahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasooluhu”.* This means “I bear witness that none has the right to worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His slace and Messenger.”

[As reported in Sahih Muslim, Sahih Bukhari, Ahmad and others]

To be continued in shaa Allah.....

🌴 May the Almighty grant us the strength and ability to always fulfil our Salah. Aameen

Performing Prayers and Punishment of Leaving It

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0
✍ As'salamu Alaykum my brothers and sisters in Islam.

```Dua & Reminders Day```

🌴 Alhamdulillah! We praise Allah Almighty. We send blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet Peace upon him. Brothers and Sisters, In shaa Allah we are looking forward to witness another Ramadan; another chance for Blessings; another chance me and you to turn away from our sins and bad habits.

*✍ We make Dua that Allah Almighty Forgives us and Has Mercy on us, because we are in need of His Mercy.*

🌴 *O Allah! We are so week and helpless, grant us forgiveness and make us the best of people. Help us to say good word from our tongue and protect our tongue from bad words.*

🌴 *O Allah! Make us steadfast on our Salah, make us dress properly, make us come closer to you as the days pass and protect us from turning away.*

🌴 *O Allah! Protect us from Satan the devil, keep him far away from us and keep us far away from him.*

🌴 *O Allah! Forgives us for our arrogance. O Allah! Has Mercy on us because You Know our situation better than anyone.*

🌴 *O Allah! Provide for us because You Have Done all our life. O Allah! Pardons us for we have lost count of what we have committed.*

🌴 *O Allah! Put us in good company because we are weak around weak people. O Allah! Places us amongst the sincere Muslims, on the Haqq and not amongst the misguided ones.*

🌴 *O Allah! Look after our family members and bring them into the deen and Keep them in the deen. O Allah! Provide us with righteous offspring.*

🌴 *O Allah! Unite the Muslims because we are divided on petty issues. O Allah! Put Strength into the righteous scholars to stand up to oppression and wrongdoing.*

🌴 *O Allah! Accept our fasts that we had in this month and the coming month because we are in need. O Allah! Accept our prayers because we are in need.*

🌴 *O Allah! Comfort us because we make mistakes, commit wrong and invite harm upon ourselves from others. O Allah! Protect us and our family members because no one else can except You.*

🌴 *O Allah! Allow us to play a part in spreading the deen and doing righteous deeds. O Allah! Allow our good deeds to outweigh our bad deeds.*

🌴 *O Allah! Grant us Paradise for we are scared of the Hellfire and we are afraid of Your Punishment. O Allah! Allow us and our offspring and family to die as righteous Muslims.*

🌴 *O Allah! Strengthen the Muslim Ummah because we bicker and fight and we are lost. O Allah! Strengthen us against our weaknesses.*

🌴 *O Allah! Loves us for we are in need of Your Love. O Allah! Mention us in a gathering better than the world and everything in it.*

🌴 *O Allah! Make things easy for us because we make things hard. O Allah! Bless us and our family for we are notting without Your blessings*

🌴 *O Allah! Grant us a righteous spouse because we need good companionship and its benefits. O Allah! Grant us Knowledge that we can benefit others with.*

🌴 *O Allah! Accept our good deeds and pardon and forgive our bad deeds. O Allah! Fix us and our life for we are broken*

🌴 *O Allah! Make us not of those who are ungrateful and proud. O Allah! Grant us a righteous lineage.*

🌴 *O Allah! Grants us the best in this duniya and the best in the Hereafter. O Allah! Replace my anger with peace and calm and patience.*

🌴 *O Allah! Make Your Mercy on us Overtake Your Anger on us. O Allah! Grant us good health and in safety.*

🌴 *O Allah! Be please with us for there is nothing better. O Allah! Make us to be in the highest gathering because that would be an honour beyond our comprehension.*

🌴 *O Allah! Grant us the ability to explain Islam easily to people, so we can help spread the message. O Allah! Remove the ills in our heart for we do not wish to wrong others or ourselves.*

🌴 *O Allah! Grant our parents paradise, those of us which parent are alive make us of those who can severe them and those of us which parent have pass away forgive them.*

🌴 *O Allah! Make us happy people and grant us contentment and happiness. O Allah! Protect us from illness and bad health and grant us good health for You are the owner of health, grant us cure from the sicknesses that we have, those sicknesses that we know and those we don’t know.*

🌴 *O Allah! Look after our offspring for we are not enough. O Allah! Answer our duas for You are the best Answer.*

Don't forget to share and make this Dua as much as possible to share in on the reward and also to inspire an amazing sunnah revival.
*👉 +2348140323414*
*👉 +2348148173724*

🌴 *O Allah! You are the best Deposer of our affairs, grant us the strong iman and Ihsan to always have conviction toward You. O Allah! Forgive us for the times we loss hope in You and protect us from the devil who always want is to loose hope in You, keep him far away from us and keep us far away from him. O Allah! On this blessed day, we ask You to
protect our parents. May we not make them low
in our priority list after all that they've done and have mercy on those who have passed away and grant them jannah Aameen*

Du'a and Reminders Day

Author : Alsy Taqiya Comments : 0

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